Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hey guys! It's been a while since my last heartbeat but rest assured that I am alive and kickin! I have been extremely busy but I am in a place to update you all with what's been going on since the summer. Before I jump into all of that though...check out this video of the group!

Level saw hundreds of lives changed this summer, in fact over a thousand, between all of the bands that participated in the summer music project! Since August Level has ventured off to build their ministry partner team. Like many other missionary organizations, Impact staff members have the responsibility to develop a team of financial partners who provide the necessary finances for their outreach, including their salary and business-related expenses.
So, Level has had to put the creative process and touring on hold temporarily so that we can build those relationships and make those connections with others that want to be a part of what the Lord is doing through our group. We earnestly believe that He is able to meet our needs and wants to use those that we know and even those that we don't know to meet the need so that we can quickly return back to the mission field. Check out this video to see and hear more...

Thanks for checking in and keeping up with the blog. I really appreciate the love and support. If you yourself are interested in helping to meet the need of Level 3:16 as a group or my individual needs there are a couple of ways to do that.

To support the group go to:

To support my ministry with the group go to: